Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

Evangelist Forkynds af Missionarene!
Den er sandhed men også gennem medlemer.

I sometimes wonder if I'm telling too many stories. I'll come back and have
nothing left to tell. That would be unfortunate! I'll thank limited
timeframes for hjælpe mig holde der low key.

This past week was very slow. I guess every missionary has a week like
this. Nothing really scheduled, which leaves us to a lot of finding, and
finding without members is tough and unproductive a lot of the time. Or
rather unfruitful. Knocking = hard. Going to referrals from members =
That was the one of the many things I'm beginning to learn quickly here on
my mission. Working with the members, especially dedicated members, brings
the absolute best results. Why? We knocked some 3-4 hours one day, to
nothing to show except a lot of no's. We then took 5 minutes to stop by a
referral by a member, that was in-between areas we were knocking. Very
positive result. So when a member gives to a referral, USE IT! So yea.

Last week actually WHILE we were typing emails, a lady that Ældste Arts had
taught came up to us. She began to talk to us, and mentions how Elder Arts
hadn't called her back. In my head, my thought process was Ældest Arts
doesn't drop people without good reason. The conversation continued. She
said she wanted us to see this one video that she thought was great and how
it was the truth. My mind flashed red alert for two reasons. 1: We aren't
supposed to look at other videos online and such. 2: I remembered a story
he'd told me of an investigator that kept trying to show him and his
companion videos of priests online. Unfortunately it turned out the be the
exact same women, and she proceeded to show us the video. We couldn't
exactly blow her off like jerks. Basically it was about how Mormons and
Catholics weren't Christian. She was telling us how there wasn't any other
book from God other than the bible and such. She actually had a pretty good
monologue going, full of facts and whatnot. However, both Elder Arts and I
basically said that we didn't believe what the video was saying about us, and
I said how I beloved the Book of Mormon was the word of God and it was
true. Not much more for me to say, otherwise it would start turning into a
Bible bash, and at the library, you are supposed to be quiet. She finally got
the message I think and left. Weird thing was, about 5 minutes later she
returned and gave us some sort of treat. We had no clue what it was and
when I asked her she didn't say. Both of us looked at each other and wisely
decided NOT to eat them. I later discovered it was some sort of chocolate
egg, but that still woundn't have persuaded me to eat it. Weird.
It was a interesting experience to be put on the spot like that. To have
somebody directly say you're wrong. It makes you appreciate your Faith and
Testimony which are both things I CANNOT deny. I'm glad I've been building
it and know such truths well.
After she left for good, elder arts on his computer typed at me, ''See why
I didn't go back?'' Yep. There are better potentials out there seeking
truth at that moment.

When we went to Nykøbing Mors, I saw some chocolate. No ordinary chocolate
though. This one was the BIGGEST toblerone I had ever seen. It was on a
1:10 ratio of a normal one! If I wasn't going to be walking the rest of the
day... I would have so got it. Haha.

Saw a rainbow the other day. With how much it rains here I thought I would
have seen one sooner but go figure. This one was kinda fun because I was
nearly a full circle if the earth wasn't in the way. So as I followed the
rainbows circle I could see the end of it! If my suspicions were correct,
the pot of gold lay at resting home, that a 100 year old member lives. If
we weren't rushing to catch the bus... I would've stopped by.

We got some candy at the store during the end of one of our days. Elder
Arts let me have a piece of his, and to my misfortune discovered it tasted
like cough drops. Um... who makes candy that tastes like cough drops? I
looked over at Ældste Arts and he was munching away at them. Ok, Europeans
have weird tastes. Sure, I'm weird, but that... ugh.

Ooo! ok, so for those who know me, I'm known to talk in my sleep. I've
talked a little here and there, and in full sentences and one sided
conversations sometimes. It was fairly infrequent before. Now, according to
Ældest Arts, I've been talking in my sleep almost every night. It wakes him
up, and leaves him cranky in the morning. We finally decided to video
myself talking. Sure enough we did get a video of me talking, but the audio
was bad, so we'll have try again. But until then, hope it doesn't hurt our
daytime energy for work! I blame all the long sleep hours and healthy food.

The Spirit guilds our actions and it's a fantastic experience every time we do
turn to him for guidance. I hope everyone can train themselves to listen
to the Spriit. It leads you to much more effective results then by yourself.
The catch is figuring out why you are where you are when your original
appointment falls though. But the Lord doesn't waste a single action, so
just remember to look around when you do. There is usually some reason you
are where you are.

Thats all for this week. Love you all! Not much time as P-day is skewed
today to fit in some work!
Bestest Ønsker!
Ældste Christensen

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