I think that subject line is one of the boldest and most awesome declairations that can be made. I will expond upon the story.
my companion and I went out to an area to find a Frivilliearbejede
center in Ballerup. They are like a free service place. But when we went
out we discovered it was just a free homeless place. Curse you
technology. So we're standing there trying to figure out what to do when
my companion spots something in the distance. Behind a line of trees at
the end of a long street appears to be a mountain! Now this was very
confusing for us because there are NO mountains in Denmark so of course
we have to check it out. After reaching the tree line and going along a
path for a second, we come out onto a large feild, and the first thing
my companion yells is ''DINOSAUR!'' I look over to my right and sure
enough there is our ''mountain''. (It was really just a BIG hill.) And
sitting on the top of it was what appeared to be a dinosaur. We we make
our way over to the hill, trek up and an discover that it was in fact
not a dinosaur but a dragon! A full, wooden carved dragon. It blew our
minds and we deemed to come back on P-Day and take pictures. So we did.This was the return tale...
ANYWAY, dispite our intersting week, it was somewhat of a rough one. Our best investigator moved out of his apartment and we had no idea where he was. We still don't know, but we were able to text him and he responded so that we know he's still alive. Actualy we wern't able to meet with ANY investigator this week. Their all trying to avoid us I think... Haha. -_-
On lørdag we went and had breakfest with our bishop, and were able to recivie his guildance and coordination. Mostly it was to focus on 4 people that we'd already been working with. He didn't give us anything super big or unique to do. Mostly just a few names of less actives to focus on.
And he discouraged us to knock. How we should have fun with missionary work. He told us storys of how he and his companion went and flew a kite and had people come up and talk to them. Of course he was in Idaho and everybody there would really wonder why the heck the missionarys are flying kites, but I'm begining to see the pattern where if we can aproche people in a different way, we can get conversations going. At that point all we do is slip in a 2-3 sentences about the restoration, bear testimony of its truth, and we'll get them. But I'm still working on that part so that it can be a fluid motion.
But anyway, we were able to contact one less active and his family. In a very unfortunate situation, he went less active after being divorced from his wife. He was happy about the cookies, and we offered to come over and serve him or share a spiritual thought. Friendship them. Bishop kept telling us that doing stuff like that WAS missionary work. It'll still feel weird but for some people they really need it. So hopefully we'll be able to continue contact.
At district meeting, the Danish National Alarm sounded. It was the one that sounds if Denamrk is getting invaded from war. Quite frankly I thought that it was the overtone to a massive creepy ghostly wail. Go get out my ghostbuster equipment and I'll be good to go.
We've had some nice success in our early morning contacting around ballerup that we do before lunch. We're still trying to figure out different activitys that we can do to substute for knocking. We're very close to going out and playing soccer. Æ. Berry REALLY wants to go play tennis to find people. (I think it could be a great idea.) I also had the idea of playing chess in a park and call out for challengers. We were about to do that sunday, but got invited over for dinner that night. Next time... Just gotta remember our purpose in doing all of this... But still... :-) Creativity anyone?
One thing of particular great note was that we had a member-missionary coordination meeting in church. There some excellent things were coordinated. Basicly everyone we had was put on the table and all the member missionarys helped out. It was a great effort in member to missionary work. OH! and during chruch, one lady asked if we had a book of mormon on us (we did) and said they had a friend who was asking about it and they wanted to give it to and maybe invite them and us over for dinner. SUPER IDEAL. I can feel the missionary spirit building up in this ward. Soon, it will be rolling, but we still have to be doing our part. Loving the members, working our best, and smartest and trusting the Lord will make up the difference.
I'd really love to get somebody to chruch. An investigator or ANYTHING. Its been too long. But if wishes were fishes then we'd all own aquariums or live in a sea with a fish tail.
was a lot of other great stuff in there, but mostly in involves tired
legs and thats no fun to hear about. We did a lot of walking. Kept
things intersting though.
Keep up all the greatness and excitment we see throughout everything you do!
Bestest wishes from Denmark!
Æ. T. Christensen
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