Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7, 2012

Hej Du! Vordan har du det? Jeg elske dig!

How is everyone doing out there? I've been busy out my ears, but at the
same time right now am gunning for more. I'll give you the update. During
one of our lessons the other day, I was having the hardest time with the
language. I could barely say a thing, and what I was trying to say was
coming out totally butchered. I can get what I want to say in order in my
head, but somewhere along the lines of going from my brain to my mouth,
everything gets scrambled. Also, as we learned new grammar principals, it
was just not working for me. After you have days like that, you are
inclined to be a little depressed for a while after the lesson. But weird
thing. I wasn't at all depressed. Yes, I said to myself I needed to
improve, but I wasn't at all depressed like you would normally be. Why is
that? I contribute it to my studies of the people of Alma, in Mosiah
chapter 23 - 24. They were cheerful in their trials. I believe that in all
our trials, we should be cheerful, which at times can be a very hard thing
to do. However, it is totally worth it when you are. I challenge you guys to
go and study it in more depth. It's a very interesting chapter. Look closely
at 24:13-14. I REALLY love those verses.

Ok, so another study topic. With all the studying we've been doing, that
seems to be a chunk of my experiences here. It is very VERY interesting to
study 1st Nephi. It is very interesting how deep it can get, even though
we've all read it a hundred times. Here's another challenge that will
SIGNIFICANTLY help with scripture study. Go in with a question, or specific
topic you want to study. Have it in your mind as you read. You will get
crazy awesome things out of it. I studied how to receive revelation with the
1st chapter of 1st Nephi. It was way cool! Try it!

We "babtized" one of our mock investigators the other day. It was a notable
accomplishment for us. It was infesting and awesome to see the light in her
eyes. Even though it was all fake... You know... I really think there is a
lot of truth in those lessons. Very incredible thing to see. Can't wait to
see it in the field!

Learned a new word the other day. It's one of those crazy awesome words that
have no English translation! Here it is! Hyggelig. Pronounced
"hoo-goo-lie''. It can only be described at this. "You are sitting in front
of your fire, under a blanket on the couch, with a hot cup of coco in
hand, snowing outside, with all your family." THAT is hyggelig. "You are
hanging out with your friends, all chilling out, playing a game, being way
cool." THAT is hyggelig. It's like a cozy, homely atmosphere. Very cool

So explanation on the subject title. A mini wizard war has appeared here
at the MTC, or at least on the bottom floor of the 8M building. Let me
explain. For some reason that is still sort of beyond me, many Elder's and
Sisters are very into Harry Potter STILL. Completely understandable. Grew
up with it. Memorable thing. All that. But they just keep talking about it.
My one companion, Elder Elsbury, can QUOTE almost all of it, or at least a
good chunk. So as a result of all this wizardness, a 'game' has appeared.
Your pen is your wand. The other wizards you are out to get are on the
other hallway. If you are not careful, you'll find someone across the way
will nail you with a spell, blasting you. It's like this. We'll go on
little raids with 3 or 4 missionaries, burst into their room (When there is
no teacher of course. We're still in the MTC, and should not drive away the
sprit.) and zap them. The catch is half the time, they are ready for us,
and counter. Just a weird, fun, harmless game at this point. If it gets out
of hand, it has to stop, but at this point, it's ok.

Ok, some random short facts. There is a wonderful member we teach here as
part of the training. She not only speaks Danish, but also 5 other
languages! Crazy! My doodling in free time has attracted attention. My
companions keep asking me to draw them a picture. I'm working on it, but am
super busy, so I can't promise anything! I'm learning to love my companions
and everything I'm doing. It's a very curious change in me. I am different
then before. Still need work, but different. Better. I completed my journal
finally. Bought a new one. Took me two years to fill up last one. Pretty
awesome. If there is one thing I encourage, it is good journal entrees. You
will always want to remember these experiences. It's awesome!

Hmm... Well, I believe that all worth reporting this week.

Mom, Dad, Family, I love you all so much! Thank you for your prays, I can
feel them helping me. It's incredible!

P.S. I honestly don't believe I've got less than two weeks left. I think
that only an illusion.

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